About Amber
Personal & Business Coach

My life path is to help those that are in transition with themselves, relationships, and businesses. To shine a light on where you are stuck, where you need a little extra support and compassion from the Divine. Through me, you will shift to a new energy one that allows you to flow, flow with your truest highest self. Your authentic self. 

I started this journey 10 years ago.  I had just left a severely abusive 12-year relationship that left me feeling powerless and confused.  I began taking the steps I needed to learn about the gifts I was innately born with.  I started a journey of rediscovery honoring my truest authentic self.  One night I watched a random Ted Talk by Brene Brown “The Power of Vulnerability”.  It moved me to look inside myself and reconnect with what I wanted and wanted to show the world without the shame or guilt of doing it and I wanted to be unapologetically me.  

I started to live following my intuition, trusting my Warrioress woman inside me. Which led me to connect with so many beautiful people and souls. I found my partner, a man that teaches me to honor and trust the woman I am and to not change that for anyone. He taught me the power of compassion and holding space for myself and others.  It has been the most magical past 8 years. But I wanted something more I wanted a family, I wanted to feel and learn how to be a mother to a little soul. We struggled for years to have a child.  All of it was unexplained, with no rhyme or reason as to why I couldn’t. But deep in me, I knew all those years prior I had placed in me a deep resistance to becoming a mother.  I decided to begin the journey to step into the divine feminine to reconnect with my womb space, to honor and accept myself as a woman, all of me, my body, my blood, my soul.  This journey took me to some dark spaces where I was giving up so much of who I was. I reconnected with myself as a woman before the identity that I was a sister to three brothers, a daughter, wife.  As I stepped into my power of surrendering to who I am as a divine feminine being, miracles began to release in my body and my surroundings.  I was able to hold and carry a baby boy into this beautiful world.  Witnessing this miracle and transformation I knew I needed to step deeper into this role and begin to live my life path.  

This is where my life has changed.  I discovered courses to reclaim my sovereignty and gifts, to no longer be influenced by all that is around me, I am able to hold space for those that are in pain and still be able to hold space for myself.  I am an empath, a clairvoyant person, my soul has been connecting with people all my life teaching and guiding those around me, through me.